Fire Safety Consultancy Solutions
recent consultancy work
Review of Fire Door Management Process
Workforce Competency Analysis & Plans
Review of Fire Compartmentation Strategy & Cross Organisation Competencies
January 2019-September 2022
Bernicia Housing
We worked with Bernicia management teams to develop and embed compliance managed work streams across their business model. We developed bespoke software to integrate into their existing systems for scheduling remediations work, for Asset reporting and contractor management. We trained stakeholders to work within this emerging management frameworks and provided a measured performance based reporting system for high level management use.

Castles & Coasts
We work with the Castles and Coasts compliance team to develop and embed systems and procedures for various stakeholder use.  We trained their teams and their stakeholders to use the various software tools at their disposal to allow them greater control of Risk factors, to greatly improve their inspections and remediation processes and provide tighter fiscal control and oversight of their operations.

Bristol City Council
We are working with Bristol City Council to embed our compliance management software for their Fire Door improvement works. As they are also an approved manufacturer of fire doors, our work is designed to give them full control and visibility of their entire Fire Door manufacturing, compliance and upgrade programme. The project is expected to take 2 years to fully embed within the workforce and other stakeholder groups and our services are designed to support them in this journey.
Begin your journey with The Compliance Gateway
Today is a good day to start. Open a confidential discussion - take your fire safety management to the next level.
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